The Association, by statute, also has guided tours to places of historical interest that will allow you to discover our territory and practice understanding and oral production in real life situations.
“Sometimes the most beautiful things slip from our view. We search for them far and wide and instead they are within arm’s reach and it takes little to discover them. Insubria, the ancient name tor a region which now includes the Italian provinces ot Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Novara, Varese, Como and Lecco and the Swiss Canton of Ticino, is located at very close proximity to Milan and Turin, and conveniently located near the rest of Europe thanks to the big airports and excellent transport links.
The green and welcoming Insubria, named the “Via delle Genti” (“ People’s Way”) by the lnsubrian Celts has a lot to offer. Civilisations have evolved along its rivers and the banks ct its lakes. Following the Celts, came the Romans, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the l8th Century: and each of these eras has left amazing traces of its passing. Amongst this artistic network, man has been able to safeguard the valuable natural environments, which can be seen today by visitors, and range from proctected parks to nature sanctuaries. A complete picture of the true beauty ot ltaly and Italian Switzerland is reflected in the Insubrian lakes. lt is accessible, highly civilised and welcoming and on a par with the highest European standards. At the same time, however, the utter peace that only a lake can provide or the crystal sparkle of a glacier is breathtaking. Insubria awaits you.
One morning, opening your window out on to a blue horizon, you will feel as though you are miles away trom everything. But at the same time you will only be a short distance from home by piane or by car. You will be in Insubria, the garden which stands at the heart of Europe.”
(From “Insubria. Lo specchio dei tuoi Desideri.” web site: www.lakesandalps.com)